Three Cosmic Messages Earth's Final Conflict

During our journey throughout the Book of Revelation, specifically chapter 14 verses 6-12, we discovered that the Three Angels’ Message is eternal, urgent, and universal. A message that God gave to humanity to prepare for His Son’s soon return. In the final instalment of our series, Three Cosmic Messages, we will discuss God’s final move. It is time to lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring, as Jesus is about to come again. Pastor Finley invites us to get ready for this glorious occasion and share this message with the world.
Part one of this episode showed clearly that the mark of the beast is not about strange symbols or mystic ideologies, and it is far more than weird beasts. The central issue is over obedience and worship. In part two of The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast, Pastor Finley reminds us that loyalty to God will be a decision each individual will have to make, which seals our destiny, allowing us to live with Him for eternity.
The Book of Revelation is a book of fascinating contrasts. In a previous episode, Pastor Mark Finley presented a study about two cities, Jerusalem and Babylon. In this episode, you will learn about two signs, the Seal of God and the mark of the beast. One is about truth and love, the other is about falsehood and deception. Learn about the significance of these contrasting, end-time concepts in this captivating study.
The tenth presentation in our series, Three Cosmic Messages, offers critical lessons for our eternal welfare. In the Book of Revelation, God appeals to us in love, and we also find some warning for the final days. Satan and his agents are preparing for the last and final deception. But the Bible shows us that the Lord wants us to be prepared and avoid Satan’s lies and trickery. You cannot afford to miss this fascinating episode that exposes the plans of the enemy of God and man.
As we continue our journey through the three messages of Revelation, we find that the messages are vital and urgent for this generation. There is confusion everywhere, and unfortunately, even in the Christian world. The Book of Revelation talks about two cities — Jerusalem and Babylon. Join us and learn what Babylon represents, and why it is called a city of confusion.
If we ever needed a refuge in a world of confusion, it is today. If we ever needed a place of security, it is indeed right now. The Bible teaches of the God who offers and makes Himself our Shelter. Learn more about how to experience your Shelter in this episode of Three Cosmic Messages with Pastor Mark Finley.
It wonderful to see how creation speaks to us of God’s love; it speaks to us of God’ power and telling us of a God who wants to newly create our lives. It was during the 19th Century, however, that theories emerged negating God’s sovereignty as Creator. Join us on this episode with Pastor Mark Finley that will help restore your trust in the creative power of God.
The warning in the Book of Revelation is not a warning that comes in harshness or from an authoritarian God, but a warning given to us in love. Revelation is really a book about the grace, the mercy, the goodness and the love of God. It is an appeal to us to know Christ as the dying Lamb and the living Priest. Join us and discover more about God’s heart-felt “warning" which seeks to prepare us to live forever with Him.
In the Bible, there are many prophecies based on time. During this fifth installment, Pastor Finley explains how to interpret these prophecies using the Bible alone, which explains itself. He demonstrates how the Bible does this in the meticulous manner, showing God’s Prophetic Timeline and how relevant it is to us today.
For many, the thought of the final judgment, where all must stand before a holy God, causes fear and trepidation. But this message by Mark Finley assures every believer that the God of Revelation stands with us and for us in the judgment.
Every movement has a distinct, identifying mark. This message reveals how God identifies His last-day movement in the Three Angel’s Messages of Revelation.
The world has reached its moment of destiny, as society faces extreme uncertainty where it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong. Mark Finley sheds light on the certainty of where we are and where the world is headed.