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Wake Up with Hope, September 18, 2024

Lentils, mint and coriander, these are the ingredients that go into this flavourful tofu "feta" rice. The traditional mediterranean diet of legumes, fruits, nuts and olive oil is known to promote health and reduce your risk of heart disease. Find this new passionate episode of The Healthy Foodie today on Wake Up with Hope. Don’t miss it! Follow us on YouTube: Hope Channel page:

12 Filled with the Spirit

Exploring how to keep our lamps burning as we await Christ’s return.

Episode for September 15, 2024

Is a hell of continuous torture real? Did God's declaration of enmity between Satan and Eve violate free will? Was the sin predetermined? Explain Hebrews 6:4. Is judgment going on now in heaven?

The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

This lesson looks at the trial before Pilate, and the abuse that Jesus endured prior to the cross, and on the cross. What events took place after the death of Jesus? Why did it take courage for Joseph of Arimathea to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus? How do we prepare to have such courage?