620 Cities and Growing

Fylvia Fowler-KlineApr 3, 2013, 1:17 PM

When given the context, what happens in 18 months is usually what you expect. For example, a baby starting to talk at about 18 months is expected; it is normal. Similarly, watching your friend gain a lot of weight from a fast food diet of 18 months is exactly what you expected. Yes, there’s nothing fascinating about time and change unless, of course, there’s a miracle at play.

And such has been the last 18 months at Novo Tempo—Hope Channel Brazil. It’s been a time of miraculous change.

Vividly expounding on the guaranteed return on faithful investments, Jesus told a story of a man who challenged his managers to grow his portfolio. Making decisions with the boss’s money is risky business. So one did nothing at all; another took a moderate chance. But there was one who took a risk with the best of intentions, with all of his abilities and with complete faith in his employer. The result: Big return. Big success. Big compliment: “Well done, good and faithful servant!”*

Similarly, Novo Tempo’s investment in media ministry has been blessed. Within just the last 18 months, more than 55 million dollars have been put into the purchase of new licenses around Brazil. Strides of growth in 2012 included 130,000 square feet in new construction to accommodate new corporate offices, a museum, a 450-seat auditorium, studios, and new equipment. And yet, they are nowhere near done growing!

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil works diligently to make their ministry thrive. Every day, the reach of Novo Tempo extends to more and more places. Today Novo Tempo is a household name in Brazil. In 620 cities, including 13 capital cities, Novo Tempo is there. From São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Goiânia, Boa Vista, Teresina, Maceio, Porto Velho, Palmas, Brasilia, and beyond Novo Tempo is heard and seen.

The potential audience of about 70 million in Brazil is no match for the vision, dedication, and plans for the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Novo Tempo.

Boldly investing God’s blessings for God’s service, Novo Tempo has become one of the most powerful tools to share the gospel message in South America. In every city with Novo Tempo, are stories of lives changed every day by the Holy Spirit. In every city with Novo Tempo, the community of God people is growing.

To Novo Tempo and His workers in Brazil, God’s promise still stands true: “I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21)

For more stories like this one, check out the latest issue of HopeLink.
