Apples and Ambassadors

Fylvia Fowler-KlineMar 21, 2014, 3:55 PM

Every year, just as fall takes an exit and the last of its warm days and just before the nippy frost of winter sets in, Dover, New Hampshire celebrates its Apple Harvest Festival.

Tens of thousands of people from all over attend the festival to enjoy the beauty of fall and the taste of apples—both of which are New England’s signature treats.

John and Sheryl are Hope Channel ambassadors and attend the Apple Festival not just for the apples and fun but also because they see the crowds of thousands as apple seeds—people ready to be watered by God’s good news and grow in the joy that comes from an intimate relationship with Him.

At the 2013 29th Annual Apple Harvest Festival, John and Sheryl distributed 1000 copies of inspirational books and DVDs and found opportunities to talk to many of the attendees. One per- son told them how grateful she was that her 91-year-old mother found Jesus many years ago and of how her mother’s faith and church community has positively impacted her personal life.

Another encounter was with a father and son who were excited about receiving a DVD that talked about end-time events. A subject of interest to both of them, they now had something to watch together.

People who already had DIRECTV were happy to learn of Hope Channel on DIRECTV. With so many channels to flip through, many were not aware of what they had been missing thus far. "What a joy it was to see people accepting DVDs and books from Hope Channel!” says John.

John and Sheryl have been faithful Hope Channel ambassadors for many years. They have learned first-hand that sharing God’s good news does not have to be a scary or intimidating experience. You never realize just how receptive people are until you offer them something they’ve been looking for.

As John says, “We have done our job and now it is up to the Holy Spirit to convict those who want to know Truth. We are living just before Jesus’ return, so let us help finish the work so we can go Home!”

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