Cross-Like Molecule
Oleg KostyukNov 12, 2011, 2:27 AM
by Oleg Kostyuk
[Jesus} is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (NIV Colossians 1:17)
In one of the presentations Louie Giglio[1] tells an amazing detail that one of the scientists shared with him. One of the essential protein molecules of our body is Laminin. In fact, laminin is a protein network foundation for our organs and cells. It influences cell adhesion and also the survival of our cells. In other words, without that tiny molecule we would not be able to survive.
But what is even more incredible about the molecule is the fact that it has the shape of the cross.
The cross of Christ is so irresistibly powerful. Jesus holds us together.
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[1] Louie Giglio, How Great is Our God, www.youtube.com/watch.