Dependence Day

Dependence Day

Elroy ByamJul 5, 2017, 6:15 PM

July 4th (also known as Independence Day) is a patriotic day for many North Americans. For some, it’s an excuse to fire up their grill and Spotify playlist. For others, they look back at a sacrifice that was made to wriggle the country out from the grip of British rule in 1776. Independence is a great feeling - it reminds us of our gift of free will.

The book of Exodus details the enslavement and liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian rule. After 430 years of chores and chains (and some unprecedented plagues), there was a Declaration of Independence:

“…Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested. Take your flocks and herds, as you have said, and go…” (Ex 12:31-32, NIV)

Declarations of independence and independence days stroke the heart of those who’ve lobbied for it.

But what about a Dependence Day? What about a day where you declare that you’re dependent on something (or better yet Someone) greater than yourself?

Then he said to them all, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23, NIV)

Uh-oh. This is Jesus talking. The Son of God. And He challenged those who wanted to follow Him that it was a daily journey and declaration.

Of dependence.

Following Jesus makes every day a Dependence Day. No food on the grill. No pomp and circumstance. No flash-sale at the mall. Every day, you’re proclaiming the world that you are depending on the One to take care of your needs. To have the final say.

Now that’s a declaration.
