Full-Circle Blessing

Full-Circle Blessing

Juliana BaioniApr 28, 2017, 4:00 PM

One of the best parts of my job is visiting Hope Channel viewers and donors around the country. I love meeting new people, learning why Hope Channel is important to them, and sharing with them some of the new and exciting things happening in our global television ministry.

I also get to thank donors for partnering with Hope Channel through their charitable gifts. Many of them often say, “It’s not necessary for you to come and thank us.” But as an organization we place a lot of value in expressing our appreciation to those who help provide life-changing television to our viewers.

As I visit with donors, I find that there are two main motivations behind their giving. For some, Hope Channel is one of the ways they share the gospel with a hurting world. They give because they receive a blessing by sharing Jesus with our viewers, and they want Hope Channel to expand its reach.

Others give because they, as viewers of Hope Channel, have experienced spiritual growth. They give because they receive a blessing from the programs they watch on Hope Channel and are grateful for the encouragement they find.

This creates what I like to call a full-circle blessing: donors who are grateful that they can bless Hope Channel viewers, who then want to become donors because they are grateful for the life-changing experience Hope Channel has given them.

Recently I was sharing with one of our producers a story from a visit with a donor. He appreciated knowing his work blesses viewers and encourages them to give back so Hope Channel can produce more programs. He and others on our team are glad to be partnering with viewers and donors to create programs that inspire people to live healthier, more Christ-centered lives.

Many of the donors I meet don’t fully comprehend the impact of their giving. Several tell me they feel bad they can’t give more. What they don’t realize is that when their gifts are added to those of others, it is strengthened and multiplied. Just like the story of the widow’s mite, when we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and give from our heart, God will bless whatever amount we give.

In Acts 20:35 we are reminded that Jesus said, “It is better to give than to receive.” Many of our donors have come to understand this important truth and are enjoying the blessings of giving back to God. If you have not yet become a Hope Channel donor, I encourage you to prayerfully consider becoming one.

This month we are launching a new automatic monthly giving program. When you become a Sustaining Partner, you can automate a monthly gift that helps Hope Channel with programming and distribution initiatives. This enables you to give a manageable amount each month that can add up to a significant gift over the course of the year.

Meeting and talking with our donors and viewers truly is one of the things I love most about my job! Their passion for Hope Channel inspires me and the rest of the Hope Channel team as we reach people for Christ. Thank you for being part of this full-circle blessing for others all around the world.

If you would like to share your story about why you give or how God has blessed you by being part of Hope Channel’s global media ministry, please email me at chris.lebrun@ hopetv.org

By Chris LeBrun

Chris LeBrun is director of fundraising at Hope Channel, Inc.
