Going Where The People Are

Fylvia Fowler-KlineMay 27, 2013, 11:33 AM

Billboard and window decals strategically placed for all to see.

Whether a city has snagged you momentarily as a visitor or you are a permanent resident in one of its high rises, there’s a certain magnetic pull towards the bustle that envelopes a city. There are so many things to experience in a city. So many options that cater to different types of people. Capitalizing on this natural draw of events in the city, Hope Channel Poland ventured to implement some innovative marketing strategies in the capital city of Warsaw.

In studying the types of attractions that lure people, Hope Channel Poland identified museums and exhibits as major draws. Next, they organized a Bible exhibit in the capital city. The unique element of this exhibit was that it was not the typical lone display begging for the attention of the passerby. Instead it was part of the annual European Night of Museums experienced every year in Warsaw.

Hundreds of people stopped at the exhibit to see numerous editions of the Bible, antique Going Where Warsaw, Poland and rare Bibles, educational charts, artifacts, and Hope Channel programs. Many portions of the exhibit were free to the public, making it a big hit. Also present were area pastors who volunteered as guides and experts to answer questions. As a result of this community service, one family joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church and many others began studying the Bible with local pastors.

Another innovative project that received a lot of public interest was the production and distribution of 100,000 copies of a documentary about how Anna German, Poland’s internationally-acclaimed singer, found a new life in Jesus and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church shortly before she died of cancer at the young age of 46 in 1982. The movie found its way into the homes of many, including the president of the Republic of Poland and leaders all across the country.

Identifying common ground where biblical truths can be shared openly and comfortably is at the core of Hope Channel Poland’s operational model. Where the people are, where the interest is, Hope Channel Poland is also there.

Watch a short video about the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Poland here

For more stories like this one, check out the latest issue of HopeLink.
