He Gives Me Strength

He Gives Me Strength

Juliana BaioniNov 11, 2016, 5:00 PM

Floyd had experienced many difficult times in his life, but this was the worst yet. He had lost his job as a police officer in Texas when he refused to take an assignment with which he felt uncomfortable. This resulted in him relocating his family to Louisiana, from where, for more than seven years, Floyd commuted to work with the police force in Little Rock, Arkansas. Then one day it happened—he sustained a major back injury and was denied workers’ compensation. After months on his back and mounting medical bills, the family was in financial ruin. His wife, no longer able to handle the hardship, took their children and left, cutting all ties of support and communication.

Floyd lay on his bed, tears streaming down his face. What was he to do now? There was no joy or hope left in life. He wished for death.

And death almost came in August 2009, when Floyd suffered from two heart attacks in the same day. He believed that the next face he would see was that of Jesus, yet the Lord sustained him. Floyd realized he was being given a second chance. He had attended church as a child but had never developed a personal relationship with Christ, although the Savior had a special place in his heart. The near death experience made Floyd realize just how great his need of God was, and that night he cried before the Lord, “Father, I’m ready to know you more. Please, lead me to a church where they are teaching the truth of the Bible.”

Floyd continued to pray this prayer every day. On the fourth day, while flipping through TV channels, he stumbled upon Hope Channel. Something about the programs struck a chord in Floyd’s heart. He continued to watch Hope Channel every day, soaking in everything he was learning about God and Scripture. Then Floyd called Hope Channel viewer services, looking for a church family to join. He was connected to a church near his home where he was baptized in December 2010.

Since his baptism, Floyd has been an active worker for the Lord, sharing his testimony with anyone who listens. Throughout the years he has touched many lives in his church and community. Floyd’s sole desire has been to glorify God with his life.

In April of this year, Floyd was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, more commonly known as ALS. This disease, which damages the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, is often fast acting and leaves individuals weak and unable to care for themselves.

Despite this poor diagnosis, Floyd has not relented in his ministry work and continues to witness to people at any opportunity. When his doctor informed him of his prognosis, she began to cry. Floyd comforted her by claiming the promise of eternal life and the soon coming of Jesus. His assurance in salvation touched not only his doctor, but the nurses and other patients as well.

Many people have been visiting Floyd, wanting to spend time with him before he passes away. He uses these visits as opportunities to share Jesus. He usually starts with “You need to see the color on this thing,” gesturing towards his large screen TV and inviting his visitors to watch a Hope Channel show with him. This often leads to long conversations!

Though his condition worsens with each day, Floyd is grateful for the work Christ has done in his life. His life is filled with joy and hope because Jesus is in it. He no longer desires death as he did only a few short years ago; neither is he afraid. He knows his eternity is secure in his Savior.

Floyd may have gone through the worst of times, yet he can claim the words of Paul: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength” (Phil 4:11–13).