Hope Channel Presents: Wake Up With Hope
Silver Spring, MarylandJun 17, 2021, 6:49 AM
Wake Up with Hope premieres on Hope Channel on June 28, 2021, at 7 AM ET. This series will broadcast Monday through Friday at 7AM ET on DirecTV 368 and the Hope Channel apps and website.
Wake Up With Hope, hosted by Christian and Heidi Martin, brings daily spiritual bread that nurtures the human soul and your spiritual needs. We invite you to start your day with this new devotional program filled with inspiring songs and encouraging messages.
Christian Martin, co-host of Wake Up With Hope shares with us, "Wake Up With Hope is such an energizing and spiritually motivating show that it will get you excited to start a new day with Jesus! Our viewers can look forward to content that will rejuvenate their spiritual life and start their day with purpose and inspiration."
“Wake Up With Hope will be a special blessing to people of all ages as they can look forward to relevant and practical messages. People should tune in because there's no better way to start a new day than with a powerful encounter with Jesus through His Word and uplifting music," shares co-host Heidi Martin.
Producer of Wake Up With Hope Hector Belvedere, shares, "Wake up With Hope will change your day! No matter how your day started or looks like, Wake up With Hope will encourage you with positive thoughts and a different view of life. We’ll change your day with music, health tips, day-to-day positive applications, and devotionals featuring special guests."
Visit HopeTV.org or follow Hope Channel on social media to stay up to date on the latest information about the premiere.