Lives Being Changed

Lives Being Changed

Juliana BaioniSep 8, 2017, 5:00 PM

From an early age Anna was angry with God. As an adult she fell into a spiral of self-loathing and destructive choices. But God used Hope Channel to turn Anna’s life around. Anna now has peace and knows that God loves, forgives, and keeps His promises.

Her life was a series of disappointments and disasters. At her wit’s end, Rosie prayed for release from drugs, abuse, and disease. God led Rosie to Hope Channel where Let’s Pray and Go Healthy for Good put her on a path of freedom from addiction and despair. Now Rosie is a new creation!

Hannah moved from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Although she was making more money, her personal life had become a spiritual and emotional desert. She found comfort from Hope Channel and was connected to a local church. Hannah now worships with her new church family and opens her home as an oasis to others looking for Christian fellowship.

Pauline was sick and alone in the hospital, fighting pain and depression. She prayed that Jesus would ease her pain. Minutes later she turned on the TV and found Hope Sabbath School. Instantly she found peace. Over time, Pauline was restored physically and spiritually and chose to be baptized into a life of health, joy, and love.

Geoffrey’s life was out of control. His wife was an addict, he was becoming abusive, and divorce seemed inevitable. In the middle of their storm Hope Channel appeared on their television during an interruption of the World Cup. That interruption sparked a new beginning for their marriage and the solution to their problems.

After viewing Hope Channel, Ali dreamed of a man in white. It was Christ admonishing him to believe that He was Lord. Immediately, Ali felt peace. His Muslim family demanded that he abandon Christ, but Ali chose to stay true to his new faith.

Kevin was raised a devout Muslim in Los Angeles. At a critical moment in his life, God led Kevin to a woman who had just become a passionate Christian from

watching Hope Channel. He too began watching Hope Channel and soon became a Christian.

As a teenager, Linda felt God’s call, but she resisted. As life moved on, she felt lost and unsure. But when she discovered David Asscherick’s series God? her

life was changed forever. Linda now leads out a Bible study for youth.

When Lee discovered that Karen was pregnant, he insisted on an abortion. But two days before the appointment, Lee tuned into Hope Channel for the first time and was convinced God had a plan. Today Lee and Karen live a happy life with their daughter.

Maria left her childhood faith and turned her back on God, but knew something was missing in her life. That’s when she found Hope Channel. Watching it

every day, she rediscovered God’s love.

Running away from an abusive mother, living on the streets, and working in nightclubs, Beverly felt lost. She knew little about God, but prayed for a better life. She eventually met Christians who showed her love like never before and introduced her to Hope Channel. Life continues with ups and downs, but Beverly now witnesses to about her Lord who walks with her.

Judith had dreams of becoming a Hollywood star, but success was elusive and her joy dwindled. At the lowest point in her life, a woman invited her to a

church seminar which later led her to Hope Channel. She now connects with the socialites of Malibu—not to further her career, but to ensure their eternal future.

For many years Mark led a double life. Most knew him as pilot, but he was also trapped in a world of gambling and alcohol. When the two worlds collided and he lost everything, God used Hope Channel to encourage him and make a decision to follow God and study His word. Mark was eventually baptized and continues to walk on the path of renewal and recovery.
