Meet Gabriel

Fylvia Fowler-KlineOct 2, 2013, 9:13 AM

In the pampas of Rio Grande do Sul, Gabriel lives with his parents in one of the many stretches of farmland. Here life also stretches— from sunrise to sunset in a never-ending cycle of boring routine. It’s not quite the life a teenager would wish for himself. Yet this was Gabriel’s lot. Every day was the same — helping his parents with the animals and the field, with only his phone as his companion.

One day he found Novo Tempo (Hope Channel Brazil) on his phone. The programs broke the monotony of his day. That evening he found Novo Tempo on the family television and invited his parents to watch with him. Soon, the entire family was working on the Bible study course offered by Novo Tempo.

“The day I found Novo Tempo was the beginning of many changes in my family“, says Gabriel. “I now have a personal relationship with God that grows more and more intimate every day. But the biggest blessing is the change in my mother.”

For years his mother Alda, found no joy in life, no desire for food, and no need to be active in the lives of her family members. But after watching Novo Tempo with the family every evening, she began to feel her depression give way to purpose, happiness, and home.

When Novo Tempo broke the sad, monotonous cycle in Gabriel’s home, word got around to the neighboring farms. Today more and more lives in the fertile slopes of southern Brazil are enriched by the message of hope they find in Novo Tempo.

(This story was published in HopeLINK, where you can find more stories and news about Hope Channel.)
