Meeting People, Meeting Needs

Fylvia Fowler-KlineMay 20, 2013, 7:41 PM

Chennai, India

When financial troubles came swooping into their lives, Ramanathan and his wife were confused and distraught. They couldn't understand why bad things were happening to them. They were good people—they worked hard, they were honest, they gave to the poor. Their good life and good deeds should have resulted in good karma. But instead, they lost their business and the bank was on the verge of foreclosing on their home and stripping them of personal property and valuables. Walking down the busy, littered streets of Chennai one day, Ramanathan noticed a crumpled flyer on the road. There was paper and trash strewn everywhere, but for some reason this one piece of paper caught his attention. It was an announcement of Hope Channel India’s upcoming meetings. The dirty piece of paper said the meetings would bring hope and answers to life’s questions.

Hope and answers—that’s what Ramanathan and his wife wanted. So they hurried off to the meetings. Right in the middle of the city, they found themselves with hundreds of others who had gathered to listen to the speaker. Sharad Babu, a regular presenter for Hope Channel was on stage, teaching from the Bible and sharing his personal experience: At the age of 10, Sharad became completely blind. It was at a time in India when there weren't many resources to help him overcome this handicap. While growing up, independent living, education, and family life were never part of young Sharad’s dreams. But all that changed when he met Jesus and he learned to put his faith into actions. Boldly he set out to experience the fullness of life by relying on God’s promises and God’s presence. Today Sharad is a professor of theology and blessed with a wonderful wife and a daughter in college. Whenever Hope Channel India has a need, Sharad takes time off from work to take the stage and speak of the wondrous love of God.

Touched by Sharad’s stories, hearing about how they too could have hope during tough times, Ramanathan and his wife were brought to tears. At the end of the meeting, they met with Hope Channel India personnel who helped them through their difficult times. It has been a long journey, but Ramanadhan and his family are slowly building their life back again. They may never be where they were once were financially, but they now have faith that in all things, God and their new friends will be there for them.

For more stories like this one, check out the latest issue of HopeLink.
