Praying for Berta and Tens of Thousands like Her!

Praying for Berta and Tens of Thousands like Her!

by Derek Morris

Apr 16, 2019, 2:48 PM

Berta is a seeker. She is open to Bible teaching and she loves the programming on Hope Channel. We at Hope Channel have been praying for Berta. Here, in her own words, is the story of her life-changing journey.

I was raised Catholic. In fact, with the exception of my sister and her family, all of my family members are devout Catholics. Growing up, we never had a Bible. I knew there was a God, but I didn’t know about Him or His infinite love towards me. I believed He was watching and waiting to punish me for any sin I committed. With that view of God, I lived in a world of constant fear of Him.

It wasn’t until I was an adult that a friend gave me The Living Bible while I was in the hospital recovering from a surgery. I started reading the Bible and was immediately drawn to it, even though my understanding of scripture was very limited.

I found out about Hope Sabbath School through a woman I met at a local grocery store. While looking for something healthy to snack on, I bumped into a lady who was looking for the same thing. We introduced ourselves and before departing from the store, we decided to have lunch together.

We enjoyed our time together so much that I invited her to my home so we could continue talking. As I got to know her more, I learned that she was widowed and living alone. It didn’t take long for us to become good friends. She didn’t have a television, so when she visited me she often asked if I would turn on the Hope Channel. That is how I discovered Hope Sabbath School!

My friend has since passed away, but I am still so grateful for her friendship. I know God providentially placed her in my life for a reason. I am astonished by God’s amazing love and His faithfulness to His promises. God is still healing me, but praise the Lord, I am a long, long way from where I used to be.

My continued search for truth is what led me, by the Holy Spirit, to study and discover the Sabbath, which I previously knew nothing about. I am now learning how to observe it. I’ve also opened my home for a Bible study. We pray together regularly, worship the Lord, and read from the Bible. I do not have teaching skills and I am timid to speak publicly, but I use Hope Sabbath School materials to learn and equip myself to lead out in my Bible study.

Across North America, and around the world, tens of thousands of Hope Channel viewers like Berta are on a life-changing journey from “Broadcast to Baptism and Beyond.” Please join with us in prayer for Berta. She hasn’t yet connected with a local church, but that’s the next step.