Resolutions are for Keeps

Resolutions are for Keeps

Juliana BaioniJan 12, 2017, 8:30 PM

With the start of the new year more than 145 million Americans will make some sort of resolution. Many use this time to make changes that will improve their life in some way.

Take a look at the top ten resolutions from 2015:

  1. Lose weight

  2. Get organized

  3. Spend less, save more

  4. Enjoy life to the fullest

  5. Stay fit and healthy

  6. Learn something exciting

  7. Quit smoking

  8. Help others in their dreams

  9. Fall in love

  10. Spend more time with family

What's surprising is that for all the positive resolutions we make every year, only eight percent of us will successfully keep our resolutions. In fact, one out of four people don't even last a week!

As you being 2017, consider making a resolution that will not only change your life, but will also improve the lives of others.

Pray for Hope Channel

Hope Channel covets your prayers—for its viewers and staff. Pray that viewers will be receptive to God's calling while watching our shows. Pray for Hope Channel leadership and staff as we work together to create and broadcast these shows. Please pray because there is power in prayer and because prayer is something we can never have too much of!

Make Monthly Donations

Did you know you can schedule automatic monthly donations at Besides being easier on your budget, an automatic monthly gift provides a predictable, sustaining support to our ministry, making a significant impact on the lives of those who watch Hope Channel. Automatic monthly donations are also more efficient and cost effective than processing checks. Consider making an automatic donation today to further Hope Channel's reach, both around the world and here in North America.

Share Hope Channel with a Friend

Without viewers there's really no reason for Hope Channel to exist! We hear stories all the time about people who stumble upon Hope Channel (no doubt by divine intervention). Another way for people to learn of Hope Channel is through you—we love you telling your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors about the life-changing shows you enjoy on Hope Channel. Sharing Hope Channel with others is an easy way to share Christ's love!

Make a Planned Gift

Talking to an estate planner can help provide financial security for you and your family, lessen your tax burden, especially if you're selling a business, and also further the ministry of Hope Channel. Because there are many different estate planning products, it is important to consult with a professional to help maximize benefits. To learn more, call Al Navarro at 888-339-PLAN (7526).

Strengthen Your Faith

Hope Channel's mission is to share with everyone Gods good news for a better life. Every day lives are being changed, whether our viewers hear about a loving God for the first time or have known Him their entire life. Wherever they are on their spiritual journey, watching Hope Channel's uplifting shows strengthens their faith in God and empowers them to have a better life—not just for today, but for eternity.

By Chris LeBrun, Director for Fundraising
