Sabbath Dilemma

Sabbath Dilemma

Melissa VasconcellosApr 17, 2014, 6:13 PM

"You'll have to travel on Saturday!" We told our friend that Saturday is our Sabbath and we can't have someone work on behalf of us. He said that because the boat off Koro was cancelled that it was the only option. So, we did the only thing you can do when faced with a seemingly unsolvable problem, take it to God in prayer! We prayed that God would provide a different way of transport to come up so that we were able to make it to Suva, to pick up Sugar, our beloved dog. He had been in puppy jail (quarantine) for 30 days and the thought of him being stuck there a day longer than necessary was a sad thought. David, the gentleman who owns a real estate development company in Fiji, which owns the freehold land on Koro, heard that we had a problem. He offered up the resort speed boat to take us over to Savusavu then a plane ticket to Suva. So, we took a small speed boat from Koro to the town of Savusavu on the island of Vanua Levu, just north of Koro with David. God worked it all out for us!

Ryan and I were pretty excited to explore an island that we hadn't visited before. We were told that the boat ride could get pretty bumpy and that it would probably be about two hours. We knew God was on our side and said a prayer for everyone on the boat ride. We arrived in Savusavu in 1 hour and 10 minutes with perfect weather and hardly any waves! They said it was a new record! God really watched over us on that boat ride. Savusavu is a gorgeous little yacht community with a mixing pot of people from all over the world. I met people from San Diego, CA, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, and The Solomon Islands just at breakfast!

When we finished lunch, it was time for us to head to the airport. As we arrived at the airport we met an American couple, from Washington, probably in their early 60's. They had come to Fiji for a two week adventure and on day one she had slipped and had broken her arm in 3 places! They had been waiting all day for a flight that had room so that they could catch a plane back to the US. After waiting all day for a flight, our flight luckily had 2 seats available and they were on their way back to Suva with us. When we got to the airport we helped them with their bags and helped them to catch a flight back to Nadi, Fiji where they would take off to the US that night at 10pm. We asked if we could say a prayer with them before they left and after the prayer the husband started crying and waved goodbye to us. We know God watched over them and protected her arm and blessed her with a speedy recovery just as we prayed, because of course, the Bible tells us; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:7,8
