Series on the Hero of Hacksaw Ridge

Series on the Hero of Hacksaw Ridge

Juliana BaioniOct 31, 2016, 9:50 PM

Hacksaw Ridge* will be released in theaters across the United States this Friday. It is a movie that has received standing ovations at advanced screenings and the endorsement of many faith leaders. It is a story of Desmond Doss: the soldier who went to war but refused to carry a gun. A Seventh-day Adventist, Doss's stand was one of more than conscientious objection-it was a testimony of his faith.

Complementing the debut of Hacksaw Ridge and the telling of the story of Desmond Doss, It Is Written will be presenting a special three-part series on the life of this World War II hero. Join Pastor John Bradshaw as he visits Doss' memorial and interviews those who knew and loved him, and be inspired by Doss's heroism and incredible faith in God.

This special series will Sundays at 11:30am EST. It will also be repeated throughout the week. [link to schedule]

November 6: The Heroism of Desmond Doss

November 13: Who was Desmond Doss?

November 20: The Faith of Desmond Doss

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*Please note that the movie is rated R for war violence.
