Ten Years of Blessings
Derek Morris, President of Hope Channel
Oct 23, 2018, 3:18 PM
Hope Sabbath School is celebrating 10 years of blessings! This remarkable miracle of God began in fall 2007 when I was serving as the lead pastor at Forest Lake Church in Apopka, Florida. Our media team was invited to create a Sabbath School program for Hope Channel.
As we prayerfully considered this request, we were convinced we didn’t need more Sabbath School sermons or meandering discussions of human opinions about the Bible—we needed an in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. We also needed to give a diverse group of young adults an opportunity to participate in this global evangelistic mission. As we searched for a program name, the word HOPE seemed so appropriate—Hope Sabbath School, an in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God.
I clearly remember our first evening of filming. Joe Sloan, one of the producers at Hope Channel and now director of international development, came to Forest Lake Church to provide some coaching. I will always remember his comment that evening: “This will be a lot of work, but God will use it to impact many lives!” We began the evening with earnest prayer, and we sensed God’s enabling presence in remarkable ways.
Ten years later, with more than 1 million participants in 150 countries, Hope Sabbath School is the most broadcast program worldwide on Hope Channel, not only in English but with voice-over and closed captioning in other languages. Every week we receive emails from Hope Sabbath School members who have decided to be baptized! We also frequently receive notes from dedicated followers of Jesus who are downloading the Hope Sabbath School outline and teaching in-depth, interactive Bible study groups in their part of the world. We are part of a great miracle of God that is expanding every day!
Who could have imagined on that Sunday evening 10 years ago all that the Lord would do! Without a doubt, God has accomplished exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think. To Him be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.