The Seventh Man

The Seventh Man

Elroy ByamOct 23, 2014, 2:41 PM

She had NO IDEA what she was doing.

It was as if she was interviewing men, except it wasn’t for a job. She wanted to find out what their dreams and aspirations were, and if they were more interested in her faith than her figure. Five times she’d been proven wrong – the men were given pink slips, and it looked like the sixth one was two weeks away from his two weeks notice. A seventh man walked by, shattered the mold, and the rest was history. Literally.

“Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did…” -John 4:29

Come, see a lawyer...

Come, see a doctor…

Come, see a teacher…

You get the drift.

Everyday, our lives are consumed by hundreds of messages. Only a few messages stop us, make us run to our friends and tell them, “Come, check this out!” May we (in Jesus) live lives that stop people in their tracks because we were the ones they were looking for. May we do work that pleases God and pierces the human heart.

Be the showstopper. Be the seventh man.
