Under Wraps

Chantal KlingbeilJul 23, 2012, 9:01 PM

Watch a little child under the age of one open a gift. More likely than not the child will be fascinated by the wrapping and will be very happy to play with the shinny paper and sample the bright ribbon while completely ignoring the gift inside the paper. Little children sometimes even cry when the paper is taken away and seem to prefer it to the gift the paper held. Some of us never grow up. We have trouble really embracing God's gift of life and seem to be distracted by any brief glittery wrapping. And we can cry very loudly when any of our superficial wrappings get stripped away! Jesus came to give us more than sensational moments. He came to give us life that we could "have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10 NIV).
