Upgrade of Broadcast Delivery System

Fylvia Fowler-KlineJan 28, 2015, 2:14 PM

Hope Channel has transitioned its broadcast services of eleven years in California to now broadcast directly from its headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland.

To effectively manage this change and its future broadcasting needs, Hope Channel has made an investment of 2.8 million dollars in a broadcast system that is highly automated, customizable, and one that requires less in staff resources and labor cost than the option used thus far. The benefit of this new system will be seen in better programs, current and informational spots, higher quality images, and ultimately a high-definition broadcast.

We apologize for any inconvenience this transition may cause you. But please stay with us through this period of positive change, and we promise you will be blessed by a new and improved Hope Channel experience.

If you can’t find your favorite program being broadcast, you will most likely find it or another great Hope Channel program on our video-on-demand services where you can stream shows at any time, at your convenience.
