Wrapped in Love

Fylvia Fowler-KlineMay 11, 2016, 7:07 PM

“When my aunt Bea was alive, it was playing on her TV all the time, 24/7,” says Akivah Northern about how she learned of Hope Channel. “She was especially a fan of the show Go Healthy for Good.”

So, when Aunt Bea was approaching her 106th birthday, Akivah had an idea. She contacted Hope Channel to see if Go Healthy for Good would like to feature her aunt’s long and healthy life. Show host Dr. Nerida loved the idea, and travelled to Santa Barbara with a crew to interview Aunt Bea (Meet Aunt Bea at 49:55 minutes into this episode: hopetv.org/longevity)

After Aunt Bea passed away, Akivah continued watching Hope Channel. She enjoyed it so much that she began to find ways to incorporate Hope Channel shows into the many community and health projects within her non-profit organization, Media Medicine Group. When she found a bargain deal on a giant digital billboard space towering high in New York City’s Times Square, she immediately thought of Hope Channel. “I knew that people would see through the glitter and glitz of the retail advertisements all around and notice Hope Channel,” says Akivah. “I knew Hope Channel would just pop with its simple logo, bright colors, and its tagline Television that changes lives. People want to change—they want a better, happier life.”

This advertising opportunity was more than just a great bargain. It was a providential gift that allowed Hope Channel to tell the thousands who walked by that God’s good news was on free-to-air television in New York. Even though Hope Channel has been broadcasting in the New York area for two years, many people often discover it only accidentally while flipping through channels. This giant advertisement was going to make a big difference! “Through this opportunity God was providing just what Hope Channel needed at just the right time,” says Akivah.

Hope Channel quickly went to work on the advertisement, a “bow-tie” display (one that expands the visual boundary at right angles so people from intersecting streets can view it). The 16,414-square-foot space, right above a prominent Revlon advertisement on the corner of 1500 Broadway and 43rd Street, displayed an invitation to watch Hope Channel on WMBQ 46.2—the television station that changes lives.

“Not only were we able to run our digital ad several times an hour, every hour for seven straight days, our ad was 20 seconds in length instead of the typical 10 seconds,” shares a Hope Channel representative. “It was a miracle for us to get the space—and to get it for the price we did. What an excellent opportunity to reach a large segment of potential viewers.”

Akivah is like many of Hope Channel’s viewers who do more than watch the shows. They are ambassadors for this broadcast ministry. They use Hope Channel as a tool to strengthen and share their faith.

“I’m glad I could help,” says Akivah. “Times Square is a huge and very public place where people enjoy coming to visit from all around the world. Yet almost every single billboard in this famous square is selling something. This space with Hope Channel’s message simply spoke of God’s love that is available to every one.”

You can find more stories and news in Hope Channel’s quarterly news magazine, HopeLink.