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Go Healthy For Good!
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis. Both forms of inflammatory bowel disease. A chronic, painful inflammation that affects the lives of of almost 1.5 million people in the US. But what causes it? Who is affected? If you have it, what can you do?
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Colon Cancer
Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer for which screening is possible, enabling it to be detected early. In addition, treatment is better, resulting in 1 million survivors of this cancer in the US. But, how do we safeguard ourselves from getting it?
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Dr. Robert Rodgers will analyze how this COVID19 Pandemic affected us, and he will give us valuable tips on how to stay healthy and safe.
Revival for Mission
Healthy for Mission
Being healthy is one of the best ways we can be revived for mission. In this episode, Ted and Nancy Wilson share how health plays an important role in leadership.