Banana Cashew Mousse

Banana Cashew Mousse

RecipesFeb 26, 2015, 8:52 PM


2 bananas, cut into chunks

1 ½ cups cashew cream (see below)

3 Tbsp pure maple syrup

1 Tbsp orange juice

1 pinch salt

Cashew Cream

Cover 1 ¼ cups raw cashews with 4 cups boiling water in large bowl.

Cover with clean kitchen towel and let stand 6 hrs.

Drain then blend in blender with 1/3 cup cold water for 5 minutes or until smooth and thick like sour cream.

Can be used in place of cheese, cream and sour cream.

Keeps in frig for 1 week.


Blend all ingredients in blender or food processor until smooth.

Divide evenly between 4 dessert bowls.




Small handful of cashew pieces.

½ banana, sliced thickly

1 Tbsp maple or brown sugar


Place bananas in small saucepan and sprinkle with sugar.

Sauté 2-3 minutes over medium until brown and glistening.

Place on top of mousse and sprinkle with cashew pieces.
