Broccoli Soup

Broccoli Soup

RecipesMar 9, 2017, 10:00 PM


1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

½ onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, chopped

4 cups chopped broccoli (stems and florets)

2 ½ cups water

2 Tbsp chicken-like seasoning

½ cup cashews blended with ½ cup water

Parsley for garnish

Salt to taste


Heat olive oil, sauté onion until golden;

Stir in garlic and broccoli.

Add water and chicken-like seasoning

Bring to boil, then reduce heat to maintain a lively simmer and cook until very tender, about 8 minutes.

Use a stick blender until smooth.

Add cashew cream just before serving.

Garnish with parsley

Salt to taste at table
