Cannellini Bean Dip

Cannellini Bean Dip

RecipesMay 14, 2013, 9:01 PM


2 C cooked cannellini beans

1 head of garlic

1 T rosemary

Zest of one lemon plus its juice

2 t olive oil

Vegetable broth

Salt to taste

Assorted vegetables, tortilla chips and or pita chips for dipping


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On a baking sheet, place a square of foil and the head of garlic. Drizzle with olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. Draw up edges of foil to wrap garlic securely. Roast in oven about 20-30 minutes until lightly caramelized. Do not allow garlic to burn. When garlic is cooked, squeeze the head to release the cloves into the bowl of a food processor.

To the food processor, add the reserved tips of fresh garlic, the cooked and drained beans, olive oil, lemon juice, and several tbsps. of the bean cooking liquid or vegetable broth. Process until desired consistency.

Scrape bean mixture into a bowl. Add zest of 1 lemon and the finely minced rosemary and mix vigorously to distribute lemon, rosemary and their essential oils throughout the dip.

Serve with your favorite assorted veggies (e.g., organic celery sticks, carrot sticks, cauliflower florets, sweet bell pepper wedges, non-gmo corn tortilla chips, pita chips, etc.

Note: You can make homemade tortilla chips for dipping by spritzing a whole corn tortilla with water, sprinkling on a pinch of sea salt and baking at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes until crisped. When cool, break into pieces.
