Cheesy Polenta

RecipesJun 27, 2016, 3:01 PM


2-3 cups leftover polenta, sliced ½ inch thick*

1/3 cup tofu sour cream (or other non-dairy sour cream), divided

1.4 cup shredded nondairy cheese, divided

Layer slices of polenta on the bottom of a small casserole dish.

Spread half the sour cream on top of the polenta, then sprinkle with half the cheese.

Repeat with another layer of polenta, sour cream and cheese.

Bake in the oven at 375 oF (180 oC) for 30 minutes or until cheese is melted (20 minutes if polenta is fresh and hot)

Serve warm.

To make Polenta

2 cups water

½ tsp salt

2/3 cup medium cornmeal

Combine in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until thickened and bubbling. Careful it doesn't splatter.

Cover, reduce heat and simmer 20 mins, or til grain is thoroughly cooked. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and burning.

Grease a glass dish, spread ½ inch thick and refrigerate to set (2 hrs).

From: Brighten Up Breakfast by Erica Nedley
