Chicken Tofu

Chicken Tofu

RecipesMar 30, 2017, 2:00 PM


500 gm tofu, cubed

1 c water

2 T chicken-like seasoning

½ c cashews

½ c water

1 t onion powder

½ t garlic powder

½ t tumeric

1 ½ T Braggs Liquid Aminos

2 T cornflour


In a medium saucepan, combine tofu, 1 cup water and chicken-like seasoning. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine all other ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Add a further 1 cup of water, blend briefly and add to tofu mixture. Bring to the boil, stirring gently and serve with brown rice and salad.

Optional: Cooked vegetables such as steamed broccoli, sauteed mushrooms, onions and red sweet bell peppers can be added. My personal favorite is to rehydrate dried shiitake mushrooms in hot water for 10 minutes, drain and add at the end.
