Chocolate Chick Cookies

Chocolate Chick Cookies

RecipesOct 31, 2014, 12:22 AM


1¼ cups chickpeas, well-rinsed and patted dry with a paper towel

2 tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup honey

½ cup + 2 Tbsp natural peanut butter (ie. no added oil)

1 tsp baking powder* (aluminum-free)

a pinch of salt (if peanut butter is unsalted)

½ cup carob or chocolate chips

* for grain-free baking powder, use 1 part cream of tartar + 1 part baking soda + 2 parts arrowroot.


Preheat oven to 350°F / 175°C.

Put chickpeas in food processor and process until very smooth.

Add honey, vanilla extract and mix well.

Then add peanut butter, salt and baking powder.

Finally, add carob/chocolate chips and pulse once or twice.

With wet hands, form into 1½ inch (3 cm) balls.

Place onto a piece of parchment paper. If you want them to look more like normal cookies, press down slightly.

Bake for 10 minutes.

Yields: 12 cookies
