Philly Sandwich

Philly Sandwich

RecipesOct 30, 2014, 8:44 PM


1 lb. broccoli raab

1 Tbs. olive oil, divided

1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes

1 Tbsp minced garlic

1/2 cup chopped roasted red peppers

2 portobello mushrooms, sliced

2 tsp lemon juice

1 baguette, cut in 6" pieces and sliced horizontally

2 slices cheese, halved (optional)


Trim stalks off broccoli raab and steam in an inch of boiling water for 8-10 minutes, turning half-way through cooking. Drain and cool before coarsely chopping.

Heat 2 tsp oil and fry red pepper flakes and chopped broccoli raab for 5 mins.

Stir in garlic followed by roasted red peppers, then transfer to a bowl.

In the same skillet, heat 1 tsp oil, add mushroom slices and sauté for 5 minutes.

Stir in lemon juice and cook for another minute or so until all liquid has evaporated.

Toast baguette slices in the preheated oven for 3 minutes at 400 oF (200 oC).

Remove from oven but leave the oven on.

Lay broccoli raab on the bottom of the sandwich, then cover with mushrooms.

Top each sandwich with a slice of cheese.

Return loaded sandwich bottoms to oven, and bake for 5 minutes til cheese melts.

Place tops over sandwiches and serve immediately.

Serves 2.
