Roasted Tomatoes

Roasted Tomatoes

RecipesNov 3, 2016, 2:00 PM


Oil spray

1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

8 medium tomatoes, halved

1 tsp fresh oregano

1 tsp fresh basil

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped


Preheat oven to 300°F.

Spray large baking sheet with oil

Place tomatoes cut side up on baking sheet, and drizzle with tablespoon of oil.

Roast tomatoes for 1 hour until juicy and beginning to shrivel.

Sprinkle with garlic, oregano, and basil, and roast a further 60-90 minutes until tomatoes are caramelized and brown on edges.

Serve on pasta or salads, in sandwiches and on crostin, or just as a side dish for grilled or roasted veggies.

Keep in frig for a week, freeze well.
