Tofu Pumpkin Ginger Curry

Tofu Pumpkin Ginger Curry

RecipesNov 21, 2013, 10:32 PM

From: the revive cafe cookbook by Jeremy Dixon


1 medium onion, chopped

1½ T ginger puree

1 clove garlic chopped or crushed

1 T oil

1½ t cumin powder

1½ t turmeric

1½ t coriander powder

1½ t honey or date butter

½ c water

14 oz. (400 g) can chop tomatoes

½ c coconut cream

1 t salt

1 c pumpkin, roasted and diced

1 c frozen spinach

10 oz. (250 g) firm tofu, cubed


Sauté onion, garlic and ginger in oil until clear and well cooked

Add spices and salt and mix well.

Blend tomatoes and add, with water, to onion mix. Bring back to the boil, then add coconut cream, honey and salt.

Stir in remaining ingredients carefully and simmer.

Serve on brown rice or rice noodles. Serves 6.

From: The Revive Café Cookbook series by Jeremy Dixon
