Tofu Scramble Burrito with Black Beans

Tofu Scramble Burrito with Black Beans

RecipesMay 3, 2013, 4:22 PM


2 tbsp olive oil

1 onion

1 red bell pepper

3-4 cloves garlic

1/4 tsp ground cumin

Few sprigs parsley, cilantro and/or thyme

1 lb firm tofu, crumbled

1/2 tsp turmeric

Sea salt to taste

1 tomato, chopped

2 cups cooked beans - black, pinto, kidney or red.

1-3 tbsp nutritional yeast

Wholewheat tortillas


Fresh spinach

Grated carrot


In a heavy bottomed pan, measure 2 tbsp of olive oil.

Fry onion in oil. When half cooked, add garlic, peppers, cumin and fresh herbs. Stir frequently and do not allow to burn.

Set aside 1/2 cup of this onion mixture to season the beans.

Add crumbled tofu to remaining onion mixture in pan and mix well. Allow some browning of tofu.

Add salt and turmeric to tofu scramble and evenly distribute until tofu is uniformly yellow in color. Scrape into bowl and keep warm.

Meanwhile, into the unwashed pan, prepare beans as follows:

Add ½ cup onion mixture reserved earlier and tomato.

Allow liquid from tomato to concentrate before adding beans to pan.

When beans are hot, stir in nutritional yeast, add salt to taste.

To assemble breakfast burrito:

On a warmed flour tortilla, crepe, or thin flatbread, center a spoon of tofu scramble, a spoon of black beans, a few slices of avocado and a nice portion of the fresh spinach greens and shredded carrots.
