Wholewheat Fruit Slice

Wholewheat Fruit Slice

RecipesDec 19, 2013, 11:25 PM


2 cup whole wheat flour

½ cup honey or softened dates

2 cups water, soymilk or nutmilk

1 Tbsp instant dry yeast (optional)

1 cup coconut

1 cup mixed fruit

¾ cup dried apricots (chopped finely)

1 tsp vanilla


Combine all dry ingredients and fruits. Mix milk, vanilla and honey. Mix with dry ingredients and blend thoroughly. Spread into shallow greased tin, let rise before baking if using yeast. Bake at 350 oF /180 oC for 20-30 minutes. Slice or cut with cookie cutter while still warm.

From: What’s Cooking … with Natural Foods by autumnleaves.co.nz
