Hope Sabbath School

This week's lesson will explore the age-old question, "If God is so good, why is there evil?" We will look to the book of Job for insight. Why did God give us free will? What is His plan to end evil?
God is just. What is the relationship between God's love and his passion for justice? This lesson will explore the perfect balance of love, justice and mercy in God's unchanging character.
In this week's lesson we will examine how God's wrath is different than human anger. Jesus experienced righteous indignation. So, when is wrath an appropriate response?
Old Testament prophets revealed God's passion and even jealousy for us. How did God demonstrate this love through the ministry of Jesus?
God rejoices over us! Accepting a loving relationship with Him brings Him joy. But, rejections brings an equal measure of sadness. In this lesson we will study examples of the relationships that bring God joy.
Love is meant to be reciprocated! This lesson continues to look at God's everlasting love, and what our response should be. How does our positive response benefit our lives? What is the impact if we reject His love?
We begin the new quarter by examining God's legacy of love through the Old Testament. We will look at how He loves us with an everlasting love whether we appreciate it or not. Will you choose to accept or reject this gift?
What lessons can we learn from the restoration of Peter as one of the Twelve? As John brings his epistle to a close, what is his prayer for all who read his Gospel account?
The Gospels are known for their retelling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In John's gospel, 10 of the 20 chapters are on His death and resurrection. What should we learn from this emphasis?
What special work of each member of the Godhead is highlighted in the Gospel of John? We will answer this question and explore how we are to relate to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
What did Jesus mean by this bold claim? What example did Jesus set to show us the "way"? Why is it essential to go beyond knowing truth and know the Truth? This week's lesson will explore how Jesus is a full revelation of God the Father.
"I am ...the life." What happens to us when we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and receive the gift of His "zo" life? This lesson looks at the source, and the gift of life that we are offered. How do we accept this gift? How do we lead others to acceptance?
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