
inVerse approaches Bible study with warm humor, practical intelligence, simple application, and authentic conversation.



13 Journey to Rome

How does the book of Acts end? Or does it?

12 Confinement in Caesarea

Imagine giving your testimony before governors, presidents and kings.

11 Arrest in Jerusalem

Arrests. Immigration issues. Political strife. Riots.

10 The Third Missionary Journey

The gospel has the power to raise and demolish economies.

08 The Jerusalem Council

Delegations from all over the world congregate to resolve a crisis.

07 Paul’s First Missionary Journey

The road trip of all road trips.

06 The Ministry of Peter

From fisherman to a fisher of men.

05 The Conversion of Paul

The greatest conversion story of the greatest theologian (outside of Jesus Christ).

03 Life in the Early Church

What was the experience of the church after Pentecost?

04 The First Church Leaders

What is the purpose of church structure?

02 Pentecost

What really happened at Pentecost?

About the Show

inVerse approaches Bible study with warm humor, practical intelligence, simple application, and authentic conversation.

Studying a particular topic every 13 weeks (see study guides in the Link section), host Justin Kim and his team discuss, for less than half an hour, what the Bible has to say. These are real-life discussions with profound insights about life principles. Regardless of your background, join this diverse group of friends as they study the Word of God.

Justin Kim

Justin Kim

Sikhu Daco

Sikhu Daco

Israel Ramos

Israel Ramos

Jonathan Walter

Jonathan Walter

Callie Williams

Callie Williams

Sebastien Braxton

Sebastien Braxton

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