Cold hard facts cannot answer life’s most important questions. Today a new generation has rediscovered the power of stories.

The dream team splits up over an intern.
Find out what happens when a group of youth lose their respect for God and His messenger!
She quietly lived a life of faith off of the radar until her death thrust her into it.
Meet a woman who made a split-second decision that would competely change not only her life, but affect her family for generations to come.
Even a prophet of God can struggle with depression.
It was just a lie about property, but God meant business.
Nehemiah was determined to work for God, and the results were extraordinary.
David was living with quite a secret, and God had something to say about that.
When God spoke to Elijah, it wasn't as much about what He said, but how He said it.
She went where no woman ever dared...and she ended up saving a nation.
Can you find vitality in a bottle or cream? The secret can actually be found in a valley of dry bones.
Daniel was up against the king of the jungle, but more importantly it was a showdown between God and man.
About the Show
Cold hard facts cannot answer life’s most important questions. Today a new generation has rediscovered the power of stories.
The Bible is contemporary because it is full of stories – not larger than life legends, but historical and personal stories.
Buried treasure does no one any good. In storyLine host Chantal Klingbeil unlocks the valuable lessons in the biblical stories and brings them to life in our own circumstances.
Each week we step into the world of another Bible character battling with real-life problems and watch their interaction with the living God who offers answers to real-life problems.
Be inspired and challenged by their lives.