Teaching Disciples: Part II

Mark records Jesus' teachings on marriage, children, and wealth. What principles are still applicable to our families? What can we learn from the Rich Young Ruler? What lessons are there for us in the disciples' reactions to Jesus' telling of his suffering and death?

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The Arrest and Trial of Jesus

In this lesson we will discuss the Last Supper, the events of Gethsemane, the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial of Christ. What can we learn from Jesus' conduct during these interactions? How can we avoid dangerous self-confidence?

Does God Have a Plan for My Life?

Why would God want us on His team? Federico Revollo shares how he ran away from home but couldn't escape God's pursuit of him, and Eric Camarillo tells how God led him to start Salt Outreach, a ministry serving the homeless.

Episode for September 1, 2024

Is unforgiveness a sin? Is God bound by His own laws? Please explain 1 Corinthians 3:15. Why so much talk of rapture if it's not in the Bible?