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Real Family Talk
Seasons of Grief
In processing the heartbreak of losing their son to leukemia, a ministry was born to help others learn how to navigate the grieving process.
After experiencing the tragic loss of their son Dawson, Karen and Steve Nicola turned their grief into a ministry to help other families navigate their grief and teach others how to support the grieving. Join Willie and Elaine Oliver in this episode about the different seasons of grieving.
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In this episode, Dr. Ann Hamel shares her experience of going as a young bride with her husband to serve as missionaries in Rwanda. She tells of the tragedy that befell them, and how God brought her through that to serve others.
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Dealing with Loneliness
Military families whose loved ones are deployed for long periods of time understand what it’s like to experience loneliness. How can communities of faith stand in the gap for people who are alone? Guests: Chaplain Paul and Debra Anderson
Wake up With Hope
Wake Up with Hope, May 10, 2024
In the most southern point of the Hawaiian island chain, there is a sacred spot that only a relative few have seen. Its rugged roads bring you to a must-see island gem: the secluded beach of Papakolea. It is a glorious geological gem that contains a powerful life lesson for those who are heading to the Promised Land. Reflections of Hope presents another thrilling episode! Follow us on YouTube: Follow us on Facebook as well: