Dr. Willie Oliver
Willie Oliver is Director of the Department of Family Ministries for the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.
An ordained minister, he also holds a Ph.D. in Family Sociology; a masters degree in Pastoral Counseling; a masters degree in Sociology; and a BA in Theology. He is an adjunct professor of Family Ministries at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, and of the Adventist University of Africa. Willie Oliver is the former Director of Family Ministries for the North American Division, the Atlantic Union Conference, and the Greater New York Conference. He also served as a lead pastor in New York City.
With his wife Elaine, Willie conducts marriage conferences, retreats, and relationship seminars around the world. They are founders of the From This Day Forward, and Journey Toward Intimacy marriage conferences, and authors of many books and other publications concerning family life.
Willie and Elaine Oliver have been married for over 30 years and are the parents of two young adults.