Love Me
HOME AT LAST, Part 2 [Episode 12]
Look forward to the second coming and our heavenly home as God as the perfect promise keeper is introduced.
Lonnie and Logan discuss God’s character as the perfect promise keeper.
Pastor and host Lonnie Melashenko shares his testimony.
Featuring original spiritual songs such as “Crown of Righteousness”, “We Shall Be Changed”, “Every Eye Shall See Him”, “This Same Jesus”, “So Shall We Be With the Lord”, “Therefore Be Ye Also Ready”, “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”, and “God Shall Wipe Away All Tears”.
Including Christian artists Alessandra Sorace, Neville Peter, Yolanda Palmer, Stephen Adetumbi, Rudy Micelli, and Jennifer LaMountain.
Also featuring special guest presenters Taj Pacleb, Schubert Palmer, and Alessandra Sorace.

Neville Peter

Alessandra Sorace

Jennifer LaMountain

Rudy Micelli