Love Me
Discover the different attributes of God's character of love, and how these attributes connect to doctrinal teachings, through song, scripture, and study.

Learn about the life-giving characteristics of God through spiritual songs and messages.
Learn about how life & health are connected through these health-focused messages and songs.
Look forward to the second coming and our heavenly home as God as the perfect promise keeper is introduced.
Sit down and experience God's love through our Happy Family Bible Seminar.
God's character as creator is found in this special Sabbath-themed episode through tetsimony and music.
Prepare to rest in this episode focused on the Sabbath. starting from Creation all the way to the final test.
Are you prepared for the judgment day? Learn about investigative judgment through these spiritual messages and songs.
The sanctuary and God as Holy Judge is characterized in this episode.
God's particular character is discussed through testimony and spiritual song.
By scripture alone is the focus on his episode featuring Pastor Wintley Phipps.
Preparing for revival and reformation while discovering sovereignty of God.
A musical experience of the 1st Commandment focusing on revival and reformation.
About the Show
Join hosts Logan and Lonnie Melashenko in this series Love Me. Each episode will take you through a one-hour Bible study in song. Listen to stories and scripture as our hosts explore the different attributes of God's character of love, and how these attributes connect to doctrinal teachings.