Bible HelpDesk

Bible HelpDesk


Episode for December 13, 2023

Were Isaac, John the Baptist conceived by the Holy Spirit? Explain John 1:14. Do angels have wings? Is the kingdom of heaven taken by force-Matt 11:12? Body of flesh in heaven?

Episode for December 27, 2023

Are you obligated to stay married to a drug addict? When is the end of probation? Who are the three archangels? Explain Revelation 8:1. Many are called but few are chosen-who are the chosen?

Episode for December 20, 2023

Is God offended by Christmas given its pagan roots? Was Mary to name her Son Jesus or Yeshua? Rebaptism if I used to believe in salvation by works? If John the Baptist wasn't baptized is baptism needed?

Episode for December 6, 2023

Can an all-knowing God change His mind? Will cremation interfere with resurrection? Why did God judge some sins but not others eg polygamy? Why do some not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?

Episode for November 29, 2023

"Can a Christian marry a divorced Catholic? How do I see God's answers to my questions? Explain Jeremiah 29:11. Who replaced Lucifer as the Morning Star? What and when is the tribulation hour?"

Episode for November 22, 2023

What does God's Word say about remarriage? Does Isaiah 43:10 mean there are more gods? Was God too quick to punish Uzzah? How can David be a man after God's heart despite bad actions?

Episode for November 15, 2023

SPECIAL: Reviewing highlights from the past 200 episodes

Episode for November 1, 2023

Is God ok with euthanasia? Did Jesus only use His humanity on earth? Original language of New Testament? Meaning of John 20:9-'they did not know the Scripture, that He rise from the dead'?

Episode for November 8, 2023

If God's gift is eternal life, does He send anyone to hell? Is the angel of the Lord Gabriel? Did Eve bear children in Eden with pain? Is Psalm 83 a prophecy? Explain Psalm 23.

Episode for October 25, 2023

Will Job's family be in heaven? Evil snakes vs healing snakes? Why did Jesus say it would be terrible for pregnant/nursing women in those days"? Explain Numbers 30:1-16.

Episode for October 18, 2023

How to remove guilt? Explain outward adorning in 1 Peter 3:3. Are our forefathers' sins put on us? If "Absent from the body is present with the Lord" why is David still sleeping in the grave?

Episode for October 11, 2023

Will God save the mentally challenged? Where do the unsaved go during the 1000 years with Satan on Earth? How did Moses see God if He is invisible? Explain Matthew 12:31-32. Are miracles and healings different?

About the Show

Bible HelpDesk

Ruben Covarrubias

Ruben Covarrubias

Rebecca Fanai

Crystal Louis

Candita Hinds

Enkosé Plummer

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