How Can a Story Impact the World?
Why make a movie about a group of counter-cultural Christians in the 1800s? 'The Hopeful' Executive Producer Kevin Christenson and associate director of the Ellen White Estate Dwain Esmond discuss the worldwide ramifications of this story.
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Why did Jesus have to die? Ricky Schwarz, a former stuntman and Cirque du Soleil acrobat, alongside Edwin Vargas, who once lived a life entrenched in the streets, and his wife Lisanette, talk about how their lives were transformed when they realized the truth behind the cross.
Hope Sabbath School
This week's lesson will explore the age-old question, "If God is so good, why is there evil?" We will look to the book of Job for insight. Why did God give us free will? What is His plan to end evil?
How Can You Find and Keep Love?
What does it take to find lasting love? Marriage therapist Dr. Maya and life coach husband Sanjay Thomas share their dating journey, and relationship expert Mike Tucker provides practical advice on when to breakup and how to build a strong relationship.
Hope Sabbath School
God is just. What is the relationship between God's love and his passion for justice? This lesson will explore the perfect balance of love, justice and mercy in God's unchanging character.