Bible HelpDesk

Bible HelpDesk


Episode for December 29, 2024

How can I be constantly reminded of God? Why should we forgive those? Why didn't Jesus baptize anyone? Was Adam responsible for the fall as he never stopped Eve? Does Satan know the Bible?

Episode for December 22, 2024

Why is Jesus called Son of David? Was Joseph Jesus' father? What year was Jesus born? Is Jeremiah 10:3-5 against Christmas trees? Ok to exchange Christmas gifts? Is Yeshua Jesus' real name?

Episode for December 15, 2024

Does God reveal Himself to all? Can I learn the Bible if I can't/don't want to read? Why didn't God leave a Bible with Adam, Eve? Overcoming fear of losing loved ones. Bad people deserve hell?

Episode for December 8, 2024

Does the Bible mention current Israel conflict? Can you confess sins you don’t remember? What language is Bible translated from? I'm a good Christian but don't follow all of Bible, am I saved?

Episode for December 1, 2024

How does God decide who is saved? Why must we forgive if God forgives everyone? Unbiblical for a woman to ask a man out? How can I live in God's will? Lack of miracles due to unbelief?

Episode for November 24, 2024

Does the Bible mention other planets? Do sins disappear immediately after baptism or in heaven? Time gap between OT, NT? Why unleavened bread in communion? How did Jesus suffer 2nd death?

Episode for November 17, 2024

Does everyone deserves grace? Unchristian to use dating apps? What is legalism? Is it biblical to cut spouse's parents off once married? Why confess sins if God already knows?

Episode for November 10, 2024

Help, facing peer pressure not to convert to Christianity. Can Buddhists go to heaven? Is the 'New Earth' heaven? Will the sanctuary exist in heaven? Proof that Jesus is God?

Episode for November 3, 2024

Will there always be war? Does apocalyptic fear lead to radical political ideology? Best Bible translation for newbies? Does God forgive wartime military acts? How many resurrections?

Episode for October 27, 2024

Was Jesus involved in politics? Can we enforce politics on those who disagree religiously? Does world turmoil signal end times? Can you unknowingly take the mark of the beast? How do angels fall?

Episode for October 20, 2024

Did evil angels mate with humans? How to spread God's word without force? Ok to travel on Sabbath? Conflict with Isaiah 66:24, Isaiah 65:14? Will world end by 2030 when the 120 Jubilees are up?

Episode for October 13, 2024

Has God forgiven me? Will we remember our past in heaven? Did Enoch write 366 books? Why did David kill Uriah so fast? Who are the two witnesses in the Bible?

About the Show

Bible HelpDesk

Ruben Covarrubias

Ruben Covarrubias

Rebecca Fanai

Crystal Louis

Candita Hinds

Enkosé Plummer

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