Bible HelpDesk

A weekly Q&A program where viewers send in questions, and panelists provide Bible-based answers.

Bible HelpDesk


Episode for July 21, 2024

We're committed, is living together ok? Will people not of my denomination be saved? How long was Jesus' resurrection? How did evil arise if God is good? Why does the Bible say slaves obey your master?

Episode for July 14, 2024

"Have I committed the unpardonable sin? Is drum music sinful? Where does the mention clean and unclean meat? When did the thief on the cross go to heaven? Who is God talking to in Genesis?"

Episode for July 07, 2024

Am I saved? Can I crochet for sick kids on Sabbath? Will families be reunited in heaven? Is it adultery to remarry after divorcing an abuser? Isn't parable of rich man, Lazarus misleading?

Episode for May 26, 2024

Sick after becoming a Christian-did God not honor His promise? Do aborted babies go straight to heaven? Burial or cremation? Will I go to hell if I forget to return tithes and offerings?

Episode for June 23, 2024

Is it a sin to smoke weed? Why did God try to kill Moses? Do we still have to keep the Sabbath day holy? Is the Holy Spirit a separate person, or the spirit of the Father or Son?

Episode for June 16, 2024

Is it ok to be angry? Isn't God too good to send people to hell? Is everyone saved (Romans 6:23?? Which law dies in Romans 7? Can we work or have others work for us on Sabbath?

Episode for June 9, 2024

How do I renew my mind (Romans 12:2)? How can I understand the Bible better? Why did Jesus say "Father, why have you forsaken me?" on the cross? Is suicide forgivable?

Episode for June 2, 2024

Bible meaning behind serpent on medical shield? Calvinism, predestination biblical? Why Cain's genealogy differs from Adam's. Did the Reformation remove parts of original Bible? Has man seen God?

Episode for May 19, 2024

Idolatry to wear a cross? Cleansing of the sanctuary? Did NT Christians observe Day of Atonement? Is Jesus our Judge? How to interpret Daniel 12 time prophecies? Abomination of desolation (Matt 24, Dan 12)?

Episode for May 12, 2024

Is Christ white? Single parent and going to church? Saved if I don't go to church but watch religious TV? Isaiah says God created evil but He didn't create Satan? Jeremiah's prophecy about Iran?

Episode for May 5, 2024

"What does Deut 6:4 mean, The Lord is One? Does the Bible say the effeminate will not be saved? Explain Leviticus 27:31? Was it the Levitical laws that were nailed to the cross?"

About the Show

Bible HelpDesk

Does the Bible have any practical wisdom for my life? What does that Bible verse really mean??

Our Bible experts answer your Bible questions live!

Call in or send us your questions and we'll get you answers you can trust.

Hosted by Ruben Covarrubias, Crystal Louis, Candita Hinds, Enkose Plummer and Rebecca Fanai, each episode features a rotating panel of theologians, pastors, and other Bible experts.

Ruben Covarrubias

Ruben Covarrubias

Rebecca Fanai

Crystal Louis

Candita Hinds

Enkosé Plummer

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